The KZN Covid-19 Consortium invites researchers, practitioners and clinicians to submit an abstract for its upcoming virtual conference. Abstracts should relate to KZN-specific Covid-19 research findings and/or experience and practice. An example of experience/practice might be what it was like in the hospitals, what challenges were faced in clinical research conduct, etc.

The aims of the conference are to:

  1. Communicate lessons learnt over the lifetime of the KZN Covid-19 Consortium, and how these may be applied in the future
  2. Update on KZN-specific Covid-19 research findings and experience/practice

Date: 29 November – 1 December, 2021
Time: 1pm – 3pm daily

Abstract submissions are via email to by 16 November 2021. Please see detailed guidelines for submissions below.

About the consortium:

The KZN Covid-19 Research Consortium comprises a unique collaboration of over 50 leading researchers and clinicians doing strategic Covid-19 research to address the pandemic.

Guidelines for abstracts:

  1. Please use Arial 11.
  2. Abstract type: Enter either “research” or “experience/practice”
  3. Line space after abstract type
  4. Title: Please be brief, in bold text (rest of text – regular), maximum of 100 characters.
  5. Line space after title
  6. Presenter, co-authors: Link with a superscript number to institution (e.g., Nontu Pakade1)
  7. Institutions in italics: Link with authors (e.g., 1AHRI)
  8. Line space after institutions
  9. Abstract: Follow this structure, if science is presented: Objective, methods, results, conclusions. If experience is presented, use any structure. No more than 300 words. Please avoid diagrams, illustrations, tables, references or graphics.
  10. Save file name as Surname_KZNCovid_Dec2021 (e.g., Pakade_KZNCovid_Dec2021)

*The outcome of abstract review by scientists on the organising committee – Willem Hanekom, Henrik Kloverpris, Rosie Mngqibisa, Inba Naidoo – will be communicated on 19 November 2021, as will be the final programme. Please note that all abstracts will be published in an online abstract book.



Experience of working from home during Covid-19

Apple Hanekom1, Pear Pakade1, Grape Goga2, Pineapple De Oliveira3


Working from home was both wonderful and painful… etc.